dmarcap package

dmarcap.auth_results module

dmarcap/ - DMARC aggregate report AuthResultsType representation. Ref.

class dmarcap.auth_results.AuthResults

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Representation of AuthResultsType

dkim = None


spf = None


class dmarcap.auth_results.Authentication(domain=None, result=None)

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Base class for verification results

domain = None

Domain name represented in this verification

result = None

Verification result

class dmarcap.auth_results.DkimAuthentication(domain=None, result=None)

Bases: dmarcap.auth_results.Authentication

Representation of DkimAuthResultType

human_result = None

Any friendly, human-readable message.

selector = None

DKIM selector, e.g. k1, used in authentication

class dmarcap.auth_results.SpfAuthentication(domain=None, result=None)

Bases: dmarcap.auth_results.Authentication

Representation of SpfAuthResultType

scope = None

SPF domain scope

dmarcap.identifiers module

dmarcap/identifiers/py - DMARC aggregate report IdentifierType representation Ref.

class dmarcap.identifiers.Identifiers

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Represention of the aggregate record IdentifierType

envelope_from = None

Envelope from of the evaluated message or SMTP transaction. E.g. MAIL FROM:<> or Return-Path: <>

envelope_to = None

Envelope recipient of the SMTP transaction. E.g RCPT TO: <>

header_from = None

From header field of the evaluated message

dmarcap.meta_data module - DMARC aggregate report meta data representation. Ref.

class dmarcap.meta_data.MetaData

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Representation of aggregate report MetaDataType


Return report begin date in localtime ISO format


Returns report begin date in UTC ISO format

date_range_begin = None

Report date range beginning (unix timestamp).

date_range_end = None

Report date range ending (unix timestamp).

email = None

Organzation contact email


Return report end date in localtime ISO format


Returns report end date in UTC ISO format

extra_contact_info = None

Additional organization contact info

org_name = None

Organization which generated the report

report_id = None

Unique report id

dmarcap.parser module

dmarcap/ - Primary DMARC XML aggragate report parsing class

class dmarcap.parser.Parser(dmarc_report_xml_file)

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Aggregate report parser base class


Parse report meta data into MetaData


Parse report published policy into PolicyPublished


Parse report into Report


Parse aggregate report records into a list of Record

dmarcap.policy_evaluated module

dmarcap/ - DMARC aggregate report evaluation policy representation. Ref.

class dmarcap.policy_evaluated.PolicyEvaluated

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Representation of PolicyEvaluatedType

disposition = None

Disposition of the Record

dkim = None

Dkim result for the Record

spf = None

Spf result for the Record

class dmarcap.policy_evaluated.Reason(reason_type, reason_comment)

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Representation of Reason in PolicyEvaluatedType

comment = None

Disposition of the Record

type = None

Disposition of the Record

dmarcap.policy_published module

dmarcap/ - DMARC aggregate report published policy representation. Ref.

class dmarcap.policy_published.PolicyPublished

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Representation of PolicyPublishedType

adkim = None

Dkim authentication mode

aspf = None

Spf authentication mode

domain = None

Domain publishing this policy

failure_reporting_options = None

Long format accessor for fo

fo = None

Failure reporting options

p = None

DMARC policy

pct = None

Policy percent, i.e. what percent of mail stream to apply the published policy to.

percent = None

Long format accessor for pct

policy = None

Long format accessor for p

report_format = None

Long format accessor for rf

report_interval = None

Long format accessor for ri

report_uri_aggregate = None

Long format accessor for rua

report_uri_forensic = None

Long format accessor for ruf

rf = None

Preferred report format

ri = None

Preferred report interval

rua = None

Aggregate report delivery URI

ruf = None

Forensic report delivery URI

sp = None

Sub domain policy

subdomain_policy = None

Long format accessor for sp

v = None

DMARC version

version = None

Long format accessor for v

dmarcap.record module

dmarcap/ - DMARC aggregate report RecordType representation. Ref.

class dmarcap.record.Record

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Representation of an aggregate report record

auth_results = None

Message AuthResults

count = None

Number of messages received from this IP

identifiers = None

Message or SMTP Identifiers

policy_evaluated = None

Message PolicyEvaluated

source_ip = None

IP traffic source module

dmarclib/ - DMARC aggregate report representation. Ref.


Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

DMARC aggregate report representation


Returns a list of failed Record

meta_data = None

Aggregate report MetaData. Contains information about the reporting organization and the report range.

policy_published = None

Aggregate report PolicyPublished. Contains the policy and reporting values published in DNS by the domain owner. These were the policies used to evaluate incoming mail.

records = None

List of aggregate report Record. Contains all records from the aggregate report.